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- Prof. Sapsis receives the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, DoD’s most prestigious single PI award, for research on extreme events
- Prof. Sapsis comments at the NYT about the ship’s force in the Baltimore Bridge Collapse
- Paper on extreme climate events featured in the MIT News
- Paper on a new method for debiasing climate model outputs for extreme event statistics to appear to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
- Prof. Sapsis appointed Director of the Center for Ocean Engineering
- Paper on active learning for optimal interventions using causality models has been accepted to Nature Machine Intelligence and featured on the MIT News
- Paper on physics and forecasting of extreme separation events in airfoil flows has been accepted to AIAA Journal
- Stephen successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
- Bianca receives multiple awards from MechE.
- Bianca and her work is featured at Spectrum. Congratulations!
- Brady successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
- Alexis successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
- Paper on active learning of neural operators has been published to Nature Computational Science
- NeurIPS paper recognized as Best Paper for ML innovation
- Paper on new ML training criteria for improving models for predicting extreme events has been accepted to Physica D
- Paper on data-driven prediction of vortex induced vibration is accepted to Ocean Engineering Journal
- Paper on optimal acquisition functions for active learning appears to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A